Terms of Business

Policies taken out before 16th November 2024 with Blue Badge are subject to the following
These are the terms of business under which we will arrange and administer your insurance policy. Your policy is made up of these Terms of business, your schedule and the detailed terms and conditions of your policy. To review the terms and conditions please use the relevant link on the right. Throughout this document references to ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ are a reference to Blue Badge Mobility Insurance. Blue Badge Mobility Insurance is an independent intermediary.
Blue Badge Mobility Insurance is a trade name of Blue Badge Mobility Insurance Broker Services Ltd company number 08983520. Blue Badge Mobility Insurance is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FCA Register Number is 680888.
This can be verified by visiting the FCA website at www.fsa.gov.uk/register or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768
Our contact details are: Langstone Gate, Solent Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 1TR . Telephone 01730 233 101 Web Site www.BlueBadgeMobilityInsurance.co.uk
Our Service
We offer a number of insurance products provided through a range of insurers. The policy details will identify the insurer and how they are regulated.
We do not offer advice or recommendations when arranging your insurance. We may ask for information to enable us to identify appropriate products but it is your decision whether to proceed and which product to proceed with.
Our aim is to get it right, first time, every time.
If you have a question or are not happy with the way we have sold or administered your policy please contact Blue Badge at the following address:
The Managing Director
Blue Badge Mobility Insurance
Langstone Gate,
Solent Road,
Hampshire PO9 1TR
Tel: 01730 233 101
Email: Support@BlueBadgeMobilityInsurance.co.uk
Should you remain dissatisfied, having exhausted the complaint procedure as detailed in the Terms and Conditions you may approach the Financial Ombudsman Service.
If you want to cancel your policy please write, email or telephone us. Please remember that receipt is not guaranteed and it is your responsibility to confirm that we have received your message.
You have 14 days from receiving your documents to change your mind and receive a full refund of premiums paid, provided you have not made a claim.
Making amendments to your policy
Should you need to make any change or correction to your policy please telephone or write to us. You may give us instructions or raise queries by e-mail to support@BBMI.co.uk Please remember that receipt is not guaranteed and it is your responsibility to confirm that we have received your message.
Blue Badge Mobility Insurance may charge an administration fee of up to £10 for changes to your policy or for sending duplicate documents to you at your request.
Blue Badge Mobility Insurance is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
You may be entitled to compensation from the FSCS if we cannot meet our liabilities. You may be entitled to compensation up to 90% of the claim for non compulsory insurance and up to 100% for compulsory insurance (e.g. Employers liability and 3rd Party Motor insurance)
Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available from the FSCS.
We will contact you at an appropriate time to offer you a renewal of your policy for your convenience. Where we have your agreement we will, when possible, renew your policy with an insurer that is more competitive. This will be confirmed by us sending you your renewal documents detailing the premium payable and the terms and conditions applicable for the renewed policy. If you do not wish to renew your policy you should return the schedule of insurance to us.
It is important that all information you give us verbally or in writing in proposing for, renewing or making changes to your insurance or making a claim is full and correct, and that you tell us about any changes. Failure to do so could later invalidate your policy or claims made under it, or result in an increased premium or additional terms.
Data Protection
For Data Protection Act purposes we are the data controller. We will hold and process your personal data for insurance administration and marketing. For this purpose, the information may also be passed to selected third parties, insurers and reinsurers, and may be processed outside the EEA. You understand that all personal data you supply must be accurate. You can ask us for more information about this. At the request of many of our clients and to make managing your insurance more convenient, it is our policy to deal with your spouse or partner who calls us on your behalf. If you would like someone else to be able to deal with your policy for you on a regular basis please let us know. In some exceptional circumstances we may also deal with other people who call us on your behalf. If at any time you would prefer us to deal only with you, please let us know.
Use of Personal Data
Blue Badge Mobility Insurance is the Data Controller. We will use your personal information to:
Assess and provide the products or services that you have requested
Communicate with you in relation to servicing and administering your product
Develop new products and services
Undertake statistical analysis to help us improve our services and products
Contact you about products that are closely related to those you already hold with us
Provide additional assistance for these products or services
Notify you of important changes to products and functionality changes to our websites
Only where you have provided us with consent to do so, we may also from time to time use your information to provide you with details of offers relating to additional products and services.
We follow strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of your personal information in line with industry practices.
Further information is contained in our Fair Processing Notice, full details of which can be found at www.bluebadgemobilityinsurance.co.uk/FPN This explains who we are, the types of information we hold, how we use it, who we share it with, how long we keep it for and informs you of certain rights you have regarding your personal information. If you are unable to access this website, details can be obtained by contacting us at The Data Protection Officer, Langstone Gate, Solent Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 1TR, Telephone number: 01730 233 101, Email: Support@BlueBadgeMobilityInsurance.co.uk.