Lego has unveiled its first ever minifigure in a wheelchair.
The beanie-hatted character, which debuted at the Nuremberg and London toy fairs, was pictured alongside a helper dog in a park scene alongside an ice-cream vendor, cyclist and park-goers.
The figure will go on sale as part of Lego’s City range from this June, a spokesperson for the toy firm told ITV News.

Lego has been praised for the move having been criticised in the past for its lack of diversity in its figures.
The #ToyLikeMe campaign was launched last year and a petition calling on Lego to release more disabled figures attracted more than 20,000 signatures.
The campaign’s co-founder Rebecca Atkinson acuused Lego of “excluding 150 million disabled children worldwide by failing to positively represent them in its products”.
After seeing the new figure, the #ToyLikeMe organisers said Lego had “just rocked our brick-built world!”
“We’ve got genuine tears of joy right now…Lego we salute you!”.
Full the full story from ITV click here.
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