Carers Insurance Policy
- What your policy is made up of
- Details of what you Carers Policy covers
- Carers insurance authorisation & regulation
- Carers insurance terminology

In return for payment of your premium your insurer will provide the insurance cover detailed in this policy.
Your policy is made up of:
a) This document, which gives details of the insurance cover you have bought from the insurer;
b) The policy schedule, which contains your details, summarises the level of cover and the sections of
this document which is included in your policy; and
c) Any amendments to the insurance that either you or the insurer have told the other about.
You should read your policy carefully to make sure that:
a) You understand the details of the cover;
b) The policy meets your needs; and
c) The details in the policy schedule are correct.
You should let us know as soon as possible if any of these are not true.
Each section in this document is split into:
1. Details of what you are covered for;
2. Details of what you are not covered for; and
3. The limits of the cover provided.
Each of these only applies to the section in which it appears.
Your policy also includes general conditions that apply across the whole policy, unless stated otherwise.
The insurer has tried to explain the policy as clearly as possible, however, if you have any
questions, please call Blue Badge Mobility Insurance on 01730 233 101.
This Carers Insurance is underwritten by is underwritten by The Salvation Army General Insurance Corporation Limited (Sagic) and is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority Reg. No: 202327
The following words or phrases have the meaning defined below whenever they appear in bold
throughout this document.
An unplanned, unexpected and unintentional incident that occurs at a
specific time and place during the period of insurance.
Care activities:
Any of the following:
a) Provision of medical care including preparation and administration
of prescribed medicines;
b) Carrying out domestic activities;
c) Support provided by you to help the care recipient carry out their
day-to-day activities.
Claims Administrator:
Policies taken out before 16 November 2024:
MPL Claims Management Limited for sections 1–10 and 12-13
Policies taken out on or after 16 November 2024:
Surewise Claims: 01266 200020
Accidental damage:
Sudden and unexpected damage, occurring at a specific time during the
period of insurance and caused by external means.
Dangerous dog:
A dog as defined in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 or the Dangerous Dogs
(Northern Ireland) Order 1991 and any subsequent changes to or
replacement of that legislation.
For policies taken out from 16 November 2024, The Salvation Army General Insurance Corporation Limited (Sagic)
Period of insurance:
The time from the start date shown on your policy schedule and:
the end date shown in the policy schedule; or
the date on which you or your insurer cancel the policy;
whichever is earlier.
Physical injury:
An identifiable injury including death or clinically diagnosed illness, disease,
or sickness.
Blue Badge Mobility Insurance.
The person shown in the policy schedule is the Insured. If you die or become
incapable of managing your financial affairs, your Claims Administrator/
insurer will treat your executors as you for the purposes of any legal
responsibility that may arise.
Expert medical practitioner:
A person other than you, a member of your immediate family or an
employee of yours, who is qualified as a consultant.
Loss of sight:
The permanent and total loss of sight that will be considered as having
occurred in both eyes if your name is added to the Register of Blind Persons or
in one eye if the degree of sight remaining after correction is 3/60 or less on the
Snellen Scale.
Loss of limb or limbs:
The permanent and complete loss of a limb or limbs by physical separation at
or above the wrist or ankle or the permanent and complete loss of use of a
limb or limbs that in the opinion of an expert medical practitioner will not be
Loss of hearing:
Total loss of hearing in one or both ears to the extent that the hearing loss in
one or both ears is greater than 95 decibels across all frequencies using a pure
tone audiogram that has lasted 52 consecutive weeks and that in the opinion
of an expert medical practitioner will not be recovered.
A period of seven consecutive days.
Full Policy Document Download
If you have policy taken out prior to the 16th November 2024
Click HereGot a Question?
If you have any questions or need a hand with your policy, get in touch with our helpful team today, we would be happy to help!